Terms of Services

Terms of Services

Thank you for visiting BlogMaster.info. By accessing BlogMaster.info, then you said it has agreed to the terms and conditions applicable to the BlogMaster.info

You agree to view / install article in accordance with the categories, and you also agree not to do the following misconduct:

    Infringe intellectual property rights of others
    Distribute viruses or any other technologies that may damage or harm BlogMaster.info sites and / or other users
    Causing excessive load on the infrastructure BlogMaster.info, thereby disrupting the performance of the site
    Extract / gather information to others, including email addresses without the consent of the concerned
    Using techniques that do not deserve, to gain access to BlogMaster.info

Violation of BlogMaster.info

Please do report to us if you find a post that violates these terms and conditions at BlogMaster.info. We will follow up any reports of violations, submitted by visitors: but, we are not responsible for the installation, and the content of the post, who committed the offense, because every post mounted BlogMaster.info, is the sole responsibility of the installer.

Infringement in the use of the site BlogMaster.info, which can cause damage and / or criminal offense, the case will be handled in accordance with applicable law.


The content that is in BlogMaster.info sourced from us, you and other users.

You agree not to copy, modify or redistribute the content of this site, without approval from us.

When you install the content, you give us all of the rights related to the content. (BlogMaster.info need these rights to install and display your content.)

If you believe your rights have been infringed, please report the violation to us, and we will investigate.

BlogMaster.info reserves the right to remove content impressions, in violation of the terms and conditions BlogMaster.info or intellectual property rights of others.


You agree that, BlogMaster.info not responsible for any content posted by users BlogMaster.info.

As the content is in BlogMaster.info, sourced from BlogMaster.info users, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the content, methods of communication, the quality, safety or legality of what’s offered.

You also agree that the facilities and services at BlogMaster.info, is provided as is, and do not in any way responsible for the consequences BlogMaster.info and losses, the operational interference, technical or non-technical, the infrastructure used.

Apart from the above paragraph, if we were found guilty under the law, it is our responsibility to you, or any other third party, limited to the total amount you pay to us, within 3 (three) months prior to the incident.

Personal Information

By using our services, you consent to the collection, transfer, storage, and use of your personal data by us, as set forth in this Privacy Policy. You also agree to receive marketing communications from us, unless you are told ahead of time that you do not wish to receive such marketing communications.


Regulations contained in these pages, as well as other regulations contained in the other pages on BlogMaster.info as a whole, is an agreement / agreement between BlogMaster.info and you, to replace the current / prior approval. If we do not set a rule or regulation, other than the law, this does not mean that we relinquish our right, to apply at a later date. BlogMaster.info can unilaterally revise, add or reduce the regulations that have been set at any time. Results revision replaces the previous regulation, and is effective at the time you install the next item, or 30 days after the revision is installed, whichever is sooner. If you have questions, comments or objections please contact us.